The Oddodo


Necron Lord

I've been a fan of Games Workshop quite some time now and although I love all of the armies and their backgrounds, I have to admit that my army of choice is Necrons. As a tribute to the black metallic silent tide, I tried drawing a Necron Lord. Hope you like it guys!

and for the 'normal' people who got confused, you will find info on Games Workshop here and a small background of the tragic tale of betrayal and pain that gave birth to the Necrons, here.

-see you later!



Vassilis' dog, Shiva! She's the cutest boxer you've seen!

 ...and obviously it comes as a women's tee!


Concept art -p7

This is another personal project of mine, working on it for ages, maybe one day I'll tell you guys more about it. To avoid this small reminder in future posts I'll be referring to this project by its working title "p7".

pencils stage


-I hope I'll have more time to invest on this project, really love it!


 Honoring the bird from which we got our name!

Years ago, I was into a game called "Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura". My favourite character of choice was a half orc but I couldn't find an in-game portrait I liked. So, I made one myself.

-You can get a cool video of the game here. I admit it looks dreadful by today's graphic standars but the gameplay is still matched only by a handful of games.




Rough concept design for a project we're working on (same project with the cyclops peddler)

...and finished!

-me and Maria would like to thank you for your time!


Enter the Gorgon


A poster I've been trying to put together. 

-hope you like it and thank you for being here!



Anyone can think of a better Greek souvenirs peddler than a Cyclops? -Me neither!

-Thx you guys.


A few days ago, a columnist, characterized actress/musician Zooey Deschanel a "snobby cow" by reading some of Zooey's statements out of context.

Personally I don't see how a cow cannot be adorable, but Zooey was very sad, and this is our effort to make her smile asap!

-See how it all begun, and Zooey's reply!


Answering the challenge of a magazine, asking for a 2page comic about godess Nemesis, I created this little thing. Didn't come out that good as it was nominated as 2nd place winner...meh!

-thank you for dropping by!

City buzz

Age old piece, but still seems pretty decent. Was very much into sim city when I took over this project, so the timing was perfect.

-as have you!Thank you.


Tribute T-shirt for the national Greek holiday of March 25.

-thanks for your time.And space.

Color layouts

Applying color is not an easy task. You need to have a clear idea of your light source(s), before you start coloring. This is a study of how the light source hits the helmet and what dark spots are defined by that light.

It by all means is, a road map to be taken into advice while splashing colors.

-thank you for the attention.


Never Friends

I have a "personal" saying. The Fish and the Shark can never be friends. This comes from my personal belief that Men and Women can never be true friends, meaning, just hanging out together, enjoying each others company without any thoughts about sex, from neither the man-friend or the woman-friend with each other. Why not? Because that's what people are meant to be, that's our nature and that's how we are designed to be, just like sharks are made to hunt and fish (in this case a lovely red mullet) is made to look cute and be pissed off about almost everything... I know, it sounds silly and maybe hides a personal trauma or something...i don't know...ANYWAYS, we've made a tee out of it!

...and here it's how it looks!

-Thank you for your time, and for any comments you might have. Everything helps!


Old stuff

Okay, this guy is old -even by my standars- but...well...look at him! You can't deny him anything!

-thank you for visiting.

Hail Emperor! -p7


Portrait of Constantine Palaiologos for a personal project. If I had a time machine he’d be one of the 3 people I’d try to meet. I love this guy…

-thanks for dropping by.

Men at work

...trying to find a hoplite helmet design that pleases me...

-thank you for your time.


Hello guys! Oddodo is a new project in art and design. Via this blog we'll be sharing some thoughts, work in progress and ideas.

It's a baby project still, born from the creative minds -and tons of Dominos Pizza- of Vassilis Kiriakakis and Panagiotis Giannakis based in Athens, Greece.

More from us soon

Oddodo signing out-